Hi, I’m Beth

A Creator-Based®Coach

Would you like to stop feeling like a victim in your life?

Would you like to have less anxiety, stress, and frustration?

You’ve found Creator-based® Coaching: an entirely new way of being creatively alive, healthy and happy.  Welcome!

The Creator-based® Way teaches you how to turn chaos into focused, calm, level-headed action.

Using scientifically proven methods, we can show you and those you love how to sleep better, reduce anxiety, have more energy, be more productive, and feel more confident.

You ARE a born creator!

Learn to embrace your creator power and feel free again.

Join our community to learn about embracing your creator power and feel free again. We are excited to welcome you and will be there to support you every step of the way!

The Creator-based® Way

Choose your program: We offer as little or as much as you like.  Come into our community with the 50/50 Girl Club for as little as $1.99/month.  Stay and learn the principles and tools you need to create your amazing life.  Try Coaching, Clearing, Mastermind or go all in with a Creator-based® Year!  Beth is always available for private sessions as well.  We want you to succeed. It is our love, our joy to take care of you. Come on in, sit down on the big comfy couch and hang with friends, learning and creating your perfect life together.

You are the creator of your own life experience.  You have within you, light and truth, all the power needed to grow and progress.  You have unique gifts and talents for your life purpose.  Different is not deficient. We are different by design.  Change is a gift.  Happiness is most likely to be achieved when founded on the Creator-based® principles of faith, compassion, mindfulness and hope.

Let’s learn and create together.

It’s a brand new day, and I can do anything I want with it!

It's a brand new day and I get to do anything I want with it! It’s a brand new day and I get to do anything I want with it. Today is a new day- right? It’s the fresh beginning of a new week.  A Gift.  But do I really get to do anything I want with it? There a a...

Creation! Creator-based® Coaching is Born

Creation is a beautiful thing. Hey friend, Let’s talk Creation.  Paul taught the Philippians, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.”  That’s a bold declaration of the faith that Paul had in his omnipotent Creator.  Faith is the power that creates...

Nervous Backseat Driver or Shotgun Shooter- Who’s Driving the Bus?

Victim or Creator; Who's in charge here?   An argument with my partner, a stubbed toe, a stain on my favorite shirt before an important meeting;  circumstances can provoke a dive from the role of Creator to Victim in a heartbeat.  As a victim in my life, things...

Sometimes I write About What I do